8 Questions You Need To Ask In An Employee Experience Survey

Published on:
Fri Oct 04 2024
Employee Experience

An employee experience survey is one of the best ways to get an honest picture of what employees think about their jobs. The results can help you identify areas where improvement is needed, or even just give you some insight into what it's like to work at your organization.

Employee experience surveys are also an important part of an HR strategy, especially if you want to attract and retain top talent in the future.

But if you're not asking the right questions, it can be difficult to get useful information from your employee experience survey.

So what exactly should appear on that list?

Top 8 questions you need to ask in an Employee Experience Survey

We've got it covered here with our list of 8 questions that you can include in your employee experience survey:-

1. How satisfied are you with the amount of training and development opportunities provided at work?

This question is about whether or not employees are getting the training they need to do their jobs. Training can be anything from weekly meetings where managers give updates on projects to one-on-one coaching sessions meant to develop skills in an employee's particular area of expertise. The goal of these programs is usually either improving performance or helping employees grow into new roles within the company.

According to reports, “Lack of visibility into internal career opportunities makes employees almost 3x more likely to express disinterest in other jobs within their company”.

The benefits of providing training include giving employees more knowledge about their jobs, increasing engagement in learning activities at work, creating opportunities for self-improvement and personal growth--which can lead to increased productivity--and providing valuable information that helps people perform better overall by making them feel valued as individuals rather than just resources who carry out orders given by managers without question."

2. Are there any team communication issues?

Your team needs to communicate with each other effectively. This can be challenging in any organization, but it's especially important when you have employees working remotely or on a large scale. If your company is experiencing communication issues, it will be difficult for everyone to work together effectively and efficiently. This question can help you identify those areas where effective communication is needed.

3. Do you feel like the organization is committed to employee well-being?

A commitment to employee well-being can lead to increased job satisfaction, improved mental health, and reduced turnover rates. This question can help management identify any areas where they can improve their efforts to support employee wellness, such as through wellness programs or flexible work arrangements.

A commitment to employee well-being can lead to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover rates.

4. How satisfied are you with the pay and benefits offered by the company?

This employee experience survey question is intended to gauge how happy your employees are with their compensation. If they're not happy, they'll be less motivated and productive in their jobs, which can affect the entire team's performance. It also gives you an idea of whether or not it's time for a raise or other compensation changes.

5. Do you feel like you have the resources you need to do your job effectively?

Employees need the proper resources to perform their job duties efficiently. This question will provide insight into whether employees have access to the tools, training, and support they need to succeed.

This question can help management identify any barriers or obstacles that may be hindering employee productivity and take steps to address these issues.

6. Do you see a future for yourself at this company beyond the next 6 months (e.g., 3 years)?

When you ask this question in an employee experience survey, you're trying to get a sense of how committed your employees are to the company. After all, if they don't see themselves staying at your company for years and years, it might be time for you to start thinking about how you can keep them motivated and engaged.

This question is also important because job security is one of the key factors in employee happiness and retention rates--which means it could have a major impact on productivity levels as well!

7. How likely are you to recommend the organization to a friend or colleague?

Asking for a recommendation is a good way to know overall satisfaction with the organization. This question can help identify areas where the organization may need to improve to create a more positive workplace culture.

8. Do you have any suggestions for us?

This is the most important question to ask in the employee experience survey. It will give you an idea of what employees think about their work, their coworkers and managers, and their company in general. You should ask this question at the end of your survey so that it's fresh in people's minds when they are asked. Plus, if there are any problems or issues that need resolving immediately (like a salary increase), then it gives you time to take action before the next survey period rolls around.


If you're looking to improve employee experience and retention in your company, you must ask these questions in your employee experience surveys. They will help you understand the challenges employees face and how they feel about their jobs. This information can then be used to develop programs that address these concerns head-on so that everyone feels more engaged with their work environment and happier overall!

If you want to know how your employees feel, Dropthought can help you to collect your employee’s feedback, create delightful experiences for them, and more.

Dropthought is a user-friendly, omnichannel, and real-time employee experience management platform. We empower companies in different verticals to create delightful experiences for employees across their employee journey. Get detailed analysis and insights from data to know exactly what your employees think and what actions you need to take to delight them.

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