Strategies To Improve Employee Engagement

Published on:
Fri Nov 10 2023
Employee Experience

Employee engagement defined simply is the level of enthusiasm and dedication an employee feels toward their job. Engaged employees care about their work and about the company performance, and feel that their efforts make a difference.

Every organization must ensure that their employees always feel motivated, which can be determined by their participation in a variety of engaging activities, one of which is actively participating in the employee engagement surveys.

By conducting employee engagement surveys, management can get vital information about how motivated employees are to put in some extra effort for your company.

It can also assist you to figure out how committed they are to staying with your company and for how long. Organizations can use employee engagement surveys to gain access to data that mostly gets unnoticed.

Employee Engagement is the simplest exercise that can be completed with little effort, but it’s also the most difficult exercise because participation cannot be forced and should be introduced to everyone in the company gradually.

According to the latest Gallup report, 51% of employees are disengaged in the workplace, while 13% are actively disengaged. Actively disengaged means feeling miserable at work and spreading negativity to their colleagues.

Best strategies that HRs can use to improve employee engagement

Organizing activities in which all family members are invited to participate

It is always beneficial for any company to know and understand its employees, and allow them to involve their family members in healthy competition. It will raise their curiosity and enthusiasm.

In addition, asking employees for ideas and the best ways to make it a success, giving a little award for the most participation from everyone’s family will only improve the chances of increased employee engagement.

Emphasize your mission and model your primary values

Employees are more engaged when they have a goal to work toward and a reason to be inspired. Your core values and mission statement are the foundation of your company culture, which plays a great role in how engaged your employees are.

Feedback should be on top priority

Managers should talk to their direct team about their preferred methods for receiving the feedback in order to engage the employees in a way that’s meaningful to them.

Engage the middle-management team

Although an employee engagement strategy should focus on all employees in an organisation, concentrating on middle management can enhance employee engagement across the board.

When management believes they are fully involved and have a true connection to their company and their teams, their actions send out a good message that helps in the development of strong connections at all levels.

Physical and mental health should be prioritized in organisation

Individuals are more likely to engage with their work when their organization makes an effort to improve their general well-being. Employee engagement can be improved by implementing a company-wide wellness initiative.

Sponsor workout courses as workplace outings, and consider granting fitness subsidies as a long-term solution to support healthy habits outside of the office.

Conduct employee engagement surveys on a regular interval

Regular employee engagement surveys can not only help you learn what works in your company but will also make your employees feel valued. Giving everyone a chance to express their thoughts promotes open and honest conversation. Employee feedback is important to keep your employees engaged.

At Dropthought, we feel that in order to create a long-term connection with an employee, we must value their feedback. We believe in creating a situation-based and feedback-centric employee engagement plan that will not only assist organizations in maximizing the data collected but will also provide a long-term opportunity to keep your employees engaged and motivated.

When employees are engaged, they care about the company and their job roles, and they do their best to help the company achieve its goals and keep the revenue bar up and running.

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