The 3 C's Of Improving The Guest Experience At Hotel

Published on:
Tue Sep 26 2023
Customer Experience

The interaction you have with your guest from the time they arrive until they depart is referred to as the guest experience. This term is most commonly used in the hospitality business to describe how well you treat your visitors.

They would have formed opinions and perceptions that would affect their experience from the time they see the hotel’s, read reviews and have viewed the images of the hotel.

The guest’s journey continues once they arrive at the hotel. The state of a hotel’s upkeep and cleanliness will have an impact on its overall feeling as well as its location.

Customer service and a personalized experience are also important aspects of the hotel guest experience. Here are some tips to deliver the best customer service a the hotel:-

  • Hire the best team for customer-facing roles.
  • Be always available.
  • Listen and respond to guest needs.
  • Go out of your way to please your guests.

What is the importance of the Guest Experience?

A positive guest experience is the core of hospitality. It should be the focus of your hotel’s operations because getting a positive guest experience means that guests will leave favorable reviews online and even will come back as devoted customers. Some of the benefits of having a positive guest experience are:-

  • Your happy customers become your advocates. They refer your hotel to others
  • Increased Guest satisfaction.
  • Increase revenue by previous customers opting to stay at the same place

3 C’s of Improving the hotel guest experience

There are many ways of improving the hotel guest experience. But the most important 3 C’s of improving guest experience are as follows:-

1. Convenience

One of the problems of hotel service is that, physically, hotels are set up so that the staff is at the center of things and the guests go to them to get anything done.

For example, If you provide a mobile check-in option, the guests can look over hotel possibilities in the taxi at their leisure, without the strain of having to wait in a queue behind them.

Examine all of the procedures that your hotel demands and consider whether they are for the benefit of the guests or for the convenience of the hotel and employees.

According to reports, 70.9% of travelers say online content influences their choice of where to stay.

2. Consistency

Consistency is undoubtedly one of the most crucial aspects of the hotel guest experience. If you're creating an area that tracks client wants and preferences, you’ll want to be sure that you have covered all the basics.

Once you have established the customer’s expectations, they will continue to demand special care in even the smallest interactions. You can lose winning points if you skip out on these opportunities.

As a result, you must maintain consistency throughout. From the greeting at the entrance to the room’s design to the quality of the food you serve, everything is important. It is preferable to be decent in all of those areas rather than great in one and falling short in the others.

3. Communication

Hotels must constantly keep open lines of communication with their guests. After a reservation/pre-stay, they must always e-mail and message the customer. Ideally, hotels should provide customers with accurate and timely information, such as room readiness.

Hotels don't always have control over their guests’ arrival time, and they frequently arrive well ahead of check-in time. An email informing them that their room is ready and that they can choose an early check-in relieves a great deal of stress from the guest’s shoulders.

If you are looking to measure and optimize guest experiences, then Dropthought can surely help you to collect your guest’s feedback, create delightful experiences, and more.

Dropthought is a user-friendly, omnichannel, and real-time customer experience management platform. We empower companies in different verticals to create delightful experiences for customers across their journey. Get detailed analysis and insights from data to exactly know what your customers think and what actions you need to take to delight them.

With a dedicated customer success team, we would ensure that you are optimizing your Guest Experience programs and strategies to create great experiences!

Learn more by simply clicking here.